
Mental Health Services - Depression and Bipolar Depression (Mood Disorders)

Depression, also known as clinical depression or major depressive disorder, refers to a mood disorder characterized by frequent loss of interest and feeling of sadness. The condition affects your feelings, thoughts, and behavior. It can also cause various physical and emotional problems. Bipolar disorder, sometimes called manic depression, has both depressive symptoms, along with periods of having a “too good” mood.

Mental Health Services - Depression and Bipolar Depression (Mood Disorders)

Symptoms of Depression

Symptoms of Depression | Depression Treatment by Omega Health Services

While some people experience depression only once in their lifetime, others may experience multiple episodes of it. The symptoms that you may experience during depression episodes include:

  • Frustration, irritability, and angry outbursts even on petty issues

  • Feeling of hopelessness, sadness, or emptiness

  • Loss of appetite, leading to weight loss

  • Increased appetite accompanied with weight gain

  • Frequent suicidal ideations

  • Memory loss

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Self-blame and fixation on past failures

  • Restlessness, agitation, and anxiety

  • General body weakness, resulting in inability to accomplish even minor tasks

  • Loss of interest in your normal daily activities, including sex, sports, and hobbies

  • Headaches, back pain, and other unexplained physical problems

In most cases, the symptoms of depression are severe and highly noticeable. The condition may change the way you socialize and relate with others. It may also cause you to feel generally unhappy and miserable.

Symptoms of Mania

Symptoms of Mania | Depression Symptoms and Treatment

While some people have depressive symptoms only, other may have mania or hypomania. These are episodes in which the person:

  • Has more energy than normal

  • Talks more, or more rapidly

  • Decreased need for sleep, or pressure to stay up to be productive

  • May do more risk taking (spending, sex, driving, etc)

  • May seem irritable

  • Dress and appearance may change

  • In more extreme symptoms, the person may believe himself to have superhuman powers

In most cases, the symptoms of depression are severe and highly noticeable. The condition may change the way you socialize and relate with others. It may also cause you to feel generally unhappy and miserable.

Treatments of Depression and/or Mania

Treatments of Depression and/or Mania by Omega Health Services

Treating depression depends on the underlying cause of the condition. Before selecting a suitable treatment method, your physician will carry out certain tests, including psychiatric evaluation, complete blood count test, and thyroid test to determine the cause of your condition.


Psychotherapy (talk therapy) is often used as treatment for mood disorders. You and your therapist will determine which type of psychotherapy will best help you manage your symptoms


Antidepressant medications such as serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and monoamine oxidase inhibitors are often prescribed for depression symptoms. For bipolar symptoms, a mood stabilizing medication is prescribed

Brain Stimulation Therapies

Brain stimulation therapies, such as trans-cranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) may be employed for those with chronic symptoms of depression.


Those suffering from depression or mania may also benefit from self-care home remedies such as proper rest, healthy eating, and quitting alcohol and recreational drugs.

Because depression and mania may lead to life-threatening complications, especially, in severe cases, it is advisable to seek medical help as soon as the symptoms appear. Your mental health professional will diagnose the cause of your condition and recommend a suitable treatment plan before the condition worsens.